Youth and Young Adults

Senior Youth: 

There is a lot offered for High School students at Faith! Listed below are some of the ways for your High Schooler to get involved:

  • Weekly Youth Bible Study: Sundays during the education hour. Students explore a variety of topics, relating the Bible to everyday life.
  • FLY (Faith Lutheran Youth): Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30pm. Join other youth in grades 5-8 for fun games and study of God's Word.
  • FLOY (Faith Lutheran Older Youth)
  • Servant Events: Look for updates and news about ways our Youth can serve within the congregation and our community.
  • Fellowship: Have fun with the Faith Youth Group when we gather for FLY, Bible Study and servant events!

Junior Youth: 

Middle School youth also have plenty of fellowship and service opportunities at Faith:

  • Confirmation: 5th-7th graders study Luther's Small Catechism on Sundays during the education hour. 8th graders put their faith into practice with Pastor Aker on Wednesdays from 6:30-8:00 pm.
  • FLY (Faith Lutheran Youth): Wednesdays from 6:30-7:30 pm. Join other youth in grades 5-8 for fun games and study of God's Word. (That's right! FLY is not just for High Schoolers. FLY is an opportunity for all youth from fifth grade through the end of high school.)
  • Camp Minneboji: Located in northwest Iowa, camp Okoboji hosts a middle school camp that many of Faith's youth attend. For more information, please contact a member of our staff.
  • Servant Events and Fellowship Activities: Many Middle School youth participate in service opportunities at Faith and in the community. We will be ringing bells for Salvation Army, assisting with the Advent and Lenten Worship services, and thanking our leaders. Just for fun, we will go to Thunder Road, go tubing at Great Bear, and explore Sioux Falls on a Scavenger Hunt!

College Students: 

A trying time in life, college can be a difficult time to be a Christian. However, the LCMS operates many campus ministries around the country. Each year Pastor Aker takes a "College Road Trip" to visit and bring care packages to as many college students as possible.

Faith also invites college students to its Young Living gatherings. Young Living gives adults in their twenties and thirties the chance to connect and grow  in their faith!

Young Living:
